Monday, November 07, 2005
Focus: Proposition 80

And finally…
This is a classic “oops” initiative. Why in the world did California at one time think deregulating the energy industry in the state would be a good idea? It seems so odd to give up control of such a vital resource as energy. Consider how hard it would be to go without electricity for a single month. Eating would be nearly impossible. While people could cook, by using grills, propane, and other heat sources, where would a contemporary California household be without a working fridge? Hygiene levels would decline, as we tried to figure out how to wash clothes and dishes. We could drive cars for a while, until we ran out of gas or crashed at a nonfunctional intersection.
Of course, deregulation of the electrical industry would never result in such an apocalyptic scenario. California has, however, experienced rolling blackouts, causing localized discomfort. The impetus of proposition 80 is a response to the problems following deregulation. It seeks to keep energy users from switching sources. It gives power to the California Public Utilities Commission to control and regulate all current and future energy providers. To sweeten the deal, 80 calls for all energy sellers to use renewable energy to supply at least 20% of the total energy sold in 2010, seven years earlier than currently required.
This proposition may be another risk, as opponents claim. However, there is myriad evidence that deregulation did not turn out as hoped. The Legislature has taken many steps to roll back from deregulation, and 80 will most likely stabilize the industry even more. The main fear is that prices will rise for electricity, but that would happen no matter what. With a commitment towards increasing renewable sources of energy quicker, 80 looks like a good initiative. Vote Yes on Proposition 80.