Thursday, October 06, 2005
Schwarzenegger ad insults Capital City

"Sacramento is screwed up" says an oft running political ad in advance of November 8th's special election in California. The advertisement backs Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger propositions 74, 75, and 77. Proposition 74 increases the time needed for teachers to receive tenure in public schools. Proposition 75 makes it necessary for unions with members in government agencies, schools, and departments to ask members if money may go towards political purposes. The third proposition, 77, would allow for the appointment of a panel of retired judges to draw the district boundaries for state offices.
Obviously, there are many Sacramento residents and officials who are concerned that this ad and other comments by politicians that downgrade or insult Sacramento will create a bad impression of the city. Schwarzenegger's office has maintained the governor's campaign promise to "clean up Sacramento" is meant for the bureaucracy of the capitol. Nonetheless, when politicians make such statements, they must consider the nearly two million residents who live and work in the Sacramento metropolitan area.
It is highly likely the writers and politicians who create these statements of scorn are based in the Bay or in Southern California. It seems a strategic goal for those who are trying to gain support from voters throughout the state to try not to alienate a significant area of the state. Sadly, in the same way that pundits refer to Washington when talking about the national capital, Sacramento will remain a political abstract to many in L.A. and San Diego who will likely never visit. Bay Area politicians sometimes speak down on Sacramento because it is a separate region, often looked at as a less cultured cousin. It doesn't discourage Democratic Bay politicians from attacking Sacramento when they consider the more Republican tilt in the Valley.
While this analysis completely ignores the political context of this advertisement, it is appropriate for ValleyVue to focus on the Sacramento slam. If someone were to say "L.A. is screwed up," there would be some sense to that. Ditto for San Francisco. Sacramento is a little more under control, more fair-minded. Over the next few weeks, the upcoming election's proposals will be discussed on this blog, keeping in mind the issues facing the Valley. At least at ValleyVue, we are committed to seeing our cities upgraded rather than insulted.
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Editor's Note:
After looking at the ad again, I realized Arnold is also supporting Prop 76. I do not know why I skipped from 75 to 77.
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After looking at the ad again, I realized Arnold is also supporting Prop 76. I do not know why I skipped from 75 to 77.
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